Rifts? heroes of humanity
Rifts? heroes of humanity

Now that you have a concept in mind its time to start bringing that to life and start considering things like, are you a human or could your concept be more easily achieved by being a D-Bee or some sort of heroic monster? If you are struggling or want a complete list of Character Archetypes, see page 57 of the Rifts®: Adventure Guide.

rifts? heroes of humanity

Not only does starting with a solid concept in mind make character creation faster, but it helps me as a Game Master know the type of character you want to play and what YOU want out of the game. What will their role be in the story and to a lesser extent, the troop? Is your character a devil-may-care playboy, a wandering mercenary, or some fantastic creature of magic such as a childlike Hatchling Dragon or Sphinx that is fond of riddles? The first part of making a character for Rifts is coming up with a premise or a concept that will be the foundation of the character. STEP ONE: Determine Character Archetype (Concept/Premise)

rifts? heroes of humanity rifts? heroes of humanity

Step Seven: Determine Psionics/Magical Abilities Step One: Determine Character Archetype (Concept/Premise)

Rifts? heroes of humanity